Studi Kritis Terhadap Larangan Penyembahan Berhala Menurut Alkitab
Worship, Idol, BibleAbstract
This research delves into the prohibition of idol worship in the Bible, especially the Old Testament, with an emphasis on the role of the prophets who emphasized this prohibition. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of idol worship prohibition through the qualitative research method of Literature Review. The Bible, particularly the Old Testament, consistently conveys the prohibition of bowing down to worship idols. This activity is considered serious and carries severe consequences, especially for the people of Israel. Violating this prohibition is seen as betrayal to God and has the potential to trigger divine punishment. The theological basis for this prohibition lies in the jealousy of God, which arises when offerings are given to idols. Idol worship is equated with the practices of pagan nations and reflects unfaithfulness to God. This research also describes the history and theology behind this prohibition. Through the perspectives of Brian S. Rosner, E. L. Carlson, and Christie Kusnandar, the research demonstrates how idol worship triggers God's jealous reaction and disrupts the human relationship with Him. This message is strong in the Bible and integrated into Jewish religious teachings. In conclusion, the prohibition of idol worship serves as an important warning to maintain loyalty to God and avoid practices that are inconsistent with faith.
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