Analisis Kemampuan Thermal Overload Relay pada Panel Kemudi KM. Dharma Rucitra VII saat Kandas di Pelabuhan Wae Kelambu
Thermal Overload Relay, Steering Panel, ShipAbstract
The shipping activity seeks to combine various perspectives such as quality, quantity, welfare satisfaction and safety and security prerequisites related to transportation through the port to the waters. However, when sailing, the KM. Dharma Rucitra VII ran aground, causing the heavy steering leaf to be moved and resulting in overload, so the ability of the Thermal Overload Relay (TOR) is needed as an electric motor safety from overload. This study aims to analyze the performance of the Thermal Overload Relay (TOR) as a safety for the electric motor driving the rudder leaf from overload due to the ship running aground. The research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation and then analyzed through three stages, namely reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The result of the research shows that: 1) The rudder leaf is stuck on the seabed because the ship ran aground, causing the Thermal Overload Relay (TOR) on the rudder panel to work; and 2) Thermal Overload Relay (TOR) on the rudder panel when the ship ran aground works in the current range of 7.5A to 10A.
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